Strategies Right Now!..

They will get your business off to a safe and sound start!

Strategy Number 1. In the beginning I advise you to collect judgments 'part time'.

Play it safe. Keep your full time job until your business income significantly exceeds what you earn from your employer.

You'll know when the time is right to go full time, if that's your goal.

Strategy Number 2. I also suggest that you focus on case files ranging from $2,000 to $7,000. These are your 'bread and butter' judgments.

They'll pay your bills, give you valuable experience, and build up your cash reserves.

However, That's Just In The Beginning

Once you 'get your feet wet' the sky is the limit! You could soon find yourself collecting judgments with balances exceeding $25,000 or more!

I can show you how to enforce collection of these mega-balance judgments too.

People Who Apply My Training
Strategies Often Become Extremely
Successful At Enforcing Judgments!

Listen closely.... I have students earning over $5,000 a month... working only part-time.

Many of my
top gun students working full-time are raking in $10,000 a month or more.

I assure you, this is
NOT hype! Judgment recovery is a 100% legitimate profession.

In fact, it's backed by the
full weight and support of the U.S. judicial system.

This business is no different than any other
high in demand, skilled occupation. Get professional training and you can build and grow a profitable business!

And Finally Speaking Of Money...

How long before you any of the green stuff? Well that depends. I have no idea when you will cash in your first judgment. I don't know your work ethic. I don't know how strong your desire to succeed is either.

Ultimately it's up to you!

With that said, the 'heavy-hitters' who follow my system to the letter, collect their first judgment or multiple judgments in about 60 to 90 days. They accomplish this with near mathematical precision.

The key to your success is to follow my
step-by-step training system to the letter. It will reveal to you the easiest and fastest strategies to prosper in this amazing business...

Will Starting Your Judgment Recovery
Business Be Difficult Or Expensive?

Not at all. Listen closely.

You don't need a legal background.

Previous business experience isn't required.

Neither is money in the bank or good credit.

You do not need to attend expensive seminars or get advanced degrees either.

Using my training system, you can easily learn everything, at your own pace. All from the
comfort of your home. If you own a computer, a printer, and have an Internet connection you're practically all set!

The Fringe Benefits Of Being A
Judgment Recovery Specialist...

You will not have a supervisor looking over your shoulder barking out orders! You make your own decisions. You are the boss!
You can work from the comfort, security, and privacy of your home.
No stressful deadlines to meet! You work at your own pace.
No stiff dress codes to abide by... You can work from home in your pajamas if you like.
No set lunchtime... You can have lunch or take a break whenever you like.
No company layoffs... need I say more!
No office jerks to deal with or unruly employees to manage!
No office politics, brown nosing or schmoozing to climb the company ladder! You own of the company!
No ridiculous projects to complete... You know the ones I'm talking about.
No unfair performance reviews to live with! You right your own ticket... and your own paycheck.
No inconsiderate or inconvenient vacation schedules to accommodate!

The next page contains 2 case studies that will provide you with a good idea of what you'll be doing as a judgment recovery specialist.