Take A Look At The Following Case Studies...

The Assignment Method - Collecting A $6,500 Judgment...

Jim owes Carol $6,500. Carol sues Jim and is awarded a judgment for $6,500. But Jim has moved and Carol can't locate him.

Two years later Carol hasn't received any money from Jim. You contact Carol and offer to collect her judgment.

You tell Carol your fee is 50% of the money you recover. By now she desperate and gladly assigns her judgment to you.

Next, you locate Jim and where he banks. You garnish Jim's bank account, and collect the $6,500, plus interest

You keep an amazing 50% all for yourself! This comes out to $3,250 plus interest. Many cases can be completed in under 10 hours!

The Purchase Method - Collecting A $2,500 Judgment

You contact a judgment holder who has a four-year old judgment. The judgment is valued at $2,500. In addition to the face value, the judgment has been accruing interest at 10%.

You offer the judgment holder 10% of its value or $250.00. He knows that this offer is more than he has ever seen, so he sells it to you.

You then find the debtor and their assets, and file garnishments. When the judgment is satisfied you will stand to make $2,046 or more over and above your original investment.

Now For The Topic You've Been Waiting For:
Let's Examine The Earning Potential...

In case study number 1 you earned $3,250.00 for just one case!

Let's say your personal goal is to collect 2 to 4 judgments every month.

Meet your goals and you've just created a $10,000 or more monthly stream of income.

My System Delivers The Goods!

Recently, Eric S., a long time client contacted me to collect a judgment for his property management company (Yes, I still work side by side with my staff collecting judgments to this day.)

Using the identical collection strategies that will be revealed to you in my training system, I located the debtor. I also discovered where he banked!

Next, I levied his bank account. Nineteen days later I received the following check in the mail for $13,654.61.

My fee was 50% of the money I recovered, or $6,827.31... All for about 8 hours of work in total. That comes out to approximately $853.41 an hour.

Short of a surgeon or an actor, how many professions do you know of that pay over eight hundred dollars an hour?

Not long ago Melvin A. contacted me to collect a judgment for his family law firm. The judgment debtor was a computer engineer from Silicon Valley.

He owed my client for unpaid attorney fees. He'd refused to pay, so my client sued him.

I got started on the case and once again using the same 'proprietary' information you'll find in my training system, I quickly and easily located the debtor.

In a matter of 2 days I located his place of employment and started the paperwork to garnish his wages!

End result... I received a check in the amount of $618. 95 twice a month for 7 months, until the judgment was paid if full... All without lifting a finger!

Imagine Getting 2 to 4 Checks Like...

The ones above, in your P.O. Box every month.

How about every week?

Better yet... How about every day?

If you answered yes then here's your chance to
get in on the action!

Starting today.