This Is Where You Solve The
For The Multitude Of
Judgment Holders, and Make A
Financial Killing For Yourself
In The Process!

Here's how you're going to do it. Although the courts do not collect judgments for judgment holders, they do provide them with a powerful arsenal of collection tools.

Big guns like wage garnishments and bank levies just to name a couple.

These two ' collection strategies
alone can earn you a fortune.

That is, once you've been professionally trained in their use!

But the real power of this opportunity lies in the fact that money judgments can be assigned!

It's simple. For as little as $10.00 a judgment holder can assign his or her money judgment to
YOU for collection.

This Is Also Where The Financial Leverage Of Judgment Recovery Moves Into Fruition!

Because once the judgment is assigned to you, you become the new owner of it. This ownership gives you the legal right to use
ALL the recovery tools allowable by law to garnish the debtor's assets.

Now, just
imagine for a moment...

What do you think would happen if:

You were a professionally trained judgment recovery specialist?

You knew how to locate assets like bank accounts and real estate with near pinpoint accuracy?

You had a $317 billion dollar inventory of money judgments to recover?

At the very least you could build and grow a successful home based business.

Are you beginning to see the

And I've Saved The Best Part For Last...

Industry standards strongly recommend that you take a 'hefty' 50% or more of the money you recover --- right off the top!

What this means in essence is that for every judgment you collect, you write
your own paycheck.

Now You're Probably Wondering...
What kind of income we're talking about? I'll get straight to the point.

Judgment recovery is
not a get rich quick business.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is feeding you hype.

It takes work. But the work, if you can call it that, is actually enjoyable and very exciting!

Listen... If you're unsatisfied with your current employer and you're seeking a feasible, home based business.

One that pays an
above average income, look no further! We'll talk more about this topic in a moment.

But First I Want To Give You Two Simple...