So... What's Judgment
Recovery All About?

Maybe you've heard the old adage... "The best ways to become wealthy is by helping people solve their problems." Well, that's precisely what judgment recovery is about.

Problem solving.

Let me explain.

When an individual or a business wins a lawsuit in civil court, they're typically awarded a money judgment.

The award specifies the amount of money the judgment debtor is legally obligated to pay the judgment creditor.

At first glance, you'd think the new judgment holder achieved a major victory.

Unfortunately this initial triumph is typically short lived.

How's That Possible?

It's because the average judgment debtor rarely if ever pays voluntarily. To make matters worse, the courts do not collect the money either.

You can forget about what you've seen on The Judge Judy show. Winning in court is only half the battle!

In reality, it's
100% up to the judgment holder to locate the debtor's assets, and garnish their assets to recover the money.

And because most judgment holders have no idea how to solve the dilemma, they spend their time going around in circles.

They eventually 'throw in the towel.

Okay... So That's Problem!

It's also why approximately 83% of all judgments are never collected.

The end result is that millions of judgments are filed away in courthouses throughout the country...

Without a dime recovered!

Billions upon billions of dollars written off to bad experience.

With each year that passes, millions of new judgments are created. They're just waiting to be collected by someone like you!

Click the next page button to find out how you can get in on the action!