Who Am I and Why I'm Uniquely Qualified To
Ensure Your Success In Judgment Recovery...

My name is Michael O'Connor. Right out of college I was hired by the IRS as a federal agent in the Criminal Investigations Division (CID).

It was there that I learned from the
absolute best in the world about how to locate people and their assets.

The following year I also became a licensed private investigator.

Little did I know, those two rigorous information based disciplines would created the perfect training ground for a career in judgment recovery.

A Few Years Later I Took...

The specialized knowledge and hard core experience I'd gained from my professional career, and applied it to an easier, far more lucrative home-based business.

A new, exciting career in judgment recovery. For over 2 decades I have tracked down some of the most stubborn, evasive, and elusive judgment debtors you can think of... and made them pay up!

I started out as a one man operation, working from a spare room in my home, and built a
booming business... A business complete with 61 employees as of this writing.

Today I'm the 'go to guy' judgment holders seek out when everyone else has failed to recover their money.

I've recovered millions of dollars in judgments and made a name for myself in the industry.

What Do My Credentials
Mean For

I reveal my credentials not to impress you, but to
prove to you the fact that I am clearly the most qualified instructor to help you succeed in this fascinating business.

I want to help you
prosper in your own judgment recovery business, just as I've helped so many other people.

Today I'm going to
teach you step-by-step how to do the same thing. If you're ready to learn more, then simply click the next page button!