Don't Even Think About Going To Work Again Until You've
Read This Website. "Hey
YOU!... Yes, I'm Talking To YOU!
Listen Closely! Are You Disgusted By Anemic Paychecks,
Commutes To Your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke), and
~Obnoxious~ Supervisors Who Make Your Work Life H**l? Why Not Put An End To The MISERY and Cash In On The $317 Billion Dollar Judgment Recovery Industry Instead?!"
From The Desk Of Michael O'Connor Ph.D.:
Dear Friend,
Sit back, take a deep breath, and clearly
envision yourself
in the following picture. It's a 'gloomy'
The time is 6:07 AM. Outside your window you hear the ominous
of rush hour traffic...
Suddenly your day unfolds like the
'B rated'
horror film you've ever seen.
In a nano-second your brain is in
Anxiety sweeps over you like a dark cloud. Your heartbeat
into overdrive.
Your stomach churns like a 'blender on steroids'.
Yep... it's that familiar gnarly sensation you wake up with every Monday morning.
To be honest, you felt it 'kick-in' Sunday evening! I call that the Sunday night insanity syndrome.
It's gnawing away at you right now.
The ugly reality of yet another grueling week on the horizon... At a job you are not happy with. Perhaps a job that you despise!
Sound familiar?
Instantly Feelings Of 'Anger'
Flood Your Mind...
Perhaps your thoughts sound something like this.
'OH-MY-GOD!... Back to the @#)*^$%^&' h**l hole again!
"Where did my weekend go?"
"Wonder what I'm in for today?"
"Hope the boss is in a decent mood?"
"Yeah right!... Fat chance!"
"Should I call out sick?"
"On a freakin' Monday? "
"Who am I kidding? That'll just put me in more hot water!"
"This is going to be one helluva week."
Think about it. Does any of this aggravation sound familiar to you?
But Just As Your Mind Reaches...
Maximum frenzy your eyes POP WIDE OPEN!
After staring at the ceiling for several moments in disbelief, you take a deep, relaxing breath.
Then, with a huge sigh of relief, and a self-satisfying grin on your face, you shout out loud:
"Wait a minute..."
"I don't have to deal with any of that crap today!"
"I'm self-employed!"
"Better yet, I now work from home!"
Moments later you're sound asleep.
But that's only the beginning. Your Monday morning is about to get much better.
Simply click the next page button!:)
I'll explain how in just a moment.